Case Studies

The client based in the United States needed help with Facebook Ads to generate Leads.

The Challenges

Our client did not have the kind of time to focus on his Google rank and SEO.

He needed a simple solution for a quick fix as he was in a high competition zone and was likely to lose business to competitors soon.

The Facebook advertisement was the best fix we could offer in that situation.

However, to compete well, we needed a free hand with budget, but the client had concerns because of his past experience with another agency.

We had to settle for a nominal budget for the first month. That puts more responsibility on our experts.

Our Strategy

The only thing we had to get done was to bring leads for the client in a month’s time.

We worked with the client to produce an audience persona to create new audiences.

We vigorously tested these audiences against the website visitors.

We created a lead magnet with a tempting Limited time FREE CHECKUP offer for the new and website-visitors-based audience.

We coupled our advertising with email retargeting.

We created a 7-day value-based lead nurturing email sequence for regular Leads before showing them the new offer ad.

The website visitors of Need an appointment page? were addressed separately in another retargeting ad sequence.

The results were overwhelming. The simple steps did not disappoint us and excited the client.

The Results

Our team tried to balance out the small budget with highly accurate targeting and email marketing efforts.

Their hard work surely paid off well and brought the client back with a big investment.

We brought the dentist client 193 leads only in the first month.

The conversion rate was way above his expectations i.e. 37%.

The offer we used in the lead magnet gave him a bit of extra work to handle for free but the conversion rate nullified that.

The Email Marketing nurture sequence AFTER the signup pushed people to convert even before the FREE CHECKUP.

We had a high CTR, CPC was $2.78, and CPL was $17.

The account was all in good shape now for our future use.

The client extended the contract, this time with additional services.

One of our clients needed help with Facebook Ads and overall marketing.

The Challenges

The client had a booming business for 15+ years.

They were using traditional marketing methods and had very strong referral systems in place.

But in the last 6 months, they had experienced a sudden drop in leads, customers, and overall business.

They still had a good name in the industry, but they did not have a strong digital presence.

The website looked dated.

There was no lead generation funnel in place on the site.

They had very little to no content on the website.

The site structure wasn’t SEO friendly at all.

Their daily traffic was below 50.

They had been burnt by a so-called digital marketing consultant who basically did not do anything except for getting his paycheque.

Getting them to invest in Facebook advertising was also a huge challenge.

Our Strategy

From the initial audit insights, we realized that the digital presence and brand awareness are going to be the starting points for this client.

We started off by helping the client create tons of video content for social media.

Then we ran the Golden Ads Strategy to start the brand awareness and engagement campaigns.

The plan was to pair that with the Lead gen campaign at a later point.

We wanted to give the client some quick wins, so he feels more confident working with us.

Successfully helped the client to come up with 4 different Lead Magnets.

With our help, the client created a whole Lead-flow and the funnel.

Using their BIG offline name, we started running the Leadgen campaigns in the third week.

We started off the Leadgen Campaigns with the Rapid Fire Testing Method.

The Results

Within the next 3 weeks, we had garnered 349 new leads,7 new paid deals.

5 Winning ad creative assets and a winning audience formula.

The CPL was less than $4CPA was below $200The client had 340+ leads in the funnel.

All this happened within the first 8 weeks.

The Golden Ads Strategy produced huge engagement and retargeting audience on the side.

We managed to bring in more than 1,200 leads for this business using Facebook Ads.

The Challenges

The client had spent over $5K with no real data or results.

We only had 3 months initially to produce real results.

The client did not have any lead magnets.

There were no landing pages in place.

All the previous campaigns were turned off in a way that we couldn’t leverage those results.

Our Strategy

We started off with an in-depth audit of the ad account and the website.

Identified that in order to achieve real results we need to have a lead magnet.

We worked with the client to come up with a suitable lead magnet.

Then we started running that lead magnet using Lead Ads.

Despite tremendous results in the first month, we were not satisfied with the Lead Quality.

We build 2 different landing pages and started testing them.

Using new ads creatives was also part of our strategy.

The Results

The results skyrocketed in the very first month.

CPL from Lead Ads was below £0.50.

The conversion rate of leads to subscriptions wasn’t that great initially.

The client was still happy as new customers were coming in from Email marketing.

After we launched the landing pages, the CPL went up a little.

However, the conversion rate skyrocketed this time, and the client was converting at a better rate.

Within the first 2.5 months, we generated over 1,200 leads.

And the client was able to convert 192 leads into subscription-based customers.

We helped a startup in Seattle with their Facebook Ads using the Facebook Ads Rapid Fire Testing Method.

The Challenges

This client was a startup and had very little to no information about their target audience.

They didn’t have their ideal customer avatars built and blank on their message and creatives.

No website and completely relied on our agency for taking them off.

The Strategy

We began with building 4 variations for their landing page, using different messaging and creatives.

We built a complete Facebook ads funnel and for TOF, we decided to test out 16 different audiences.

Once we knew what was working at the TOF, we quickly optimized our MOF and BOF strategies to maximize the return on ad spend.

Initial strategy session and discovery.

Ideal customer avatar planning and creation.

Brand messaging strategy.

Landing page creation and optimization.

Built a full-Facebook funnel.

Targeted 16 different cold audiences at the top of the funnel.

Used retargeting with intriguing offers at the middle of the funnel.

Used re-engagement campaigns to increase the lifetime value of their customers.

Sent out exclusive offers for those still on the fence of buying.

Used our battle-tested scaling method to maximize ROAS at the TOF.

The Results

It is always exciting to work with a client who is open to new ideas and has the time and budget to run multiple tests.

Working from scratch, it’s great to have a client respect the need for testing and setup.

This startup began its rapid-fire testing period to find its ideal audience, message, and creativity.

After this test period (between 2 – 4 weeks), we began to use the winning adsets and optimize.

Depending on the account, we may horizontally or vertically scale.

By the end of the third month, we were achieving an average of 2x ROAS.

At the end of their sixth month, we’re achieving an average of 5.28x ROAS.

Our client in Boston, MA needed Facebook & Email Marketing services to get more clients.

The Challenges

This client was looking for customers.

He didn’t have a pipeline to generate leads to keep patients coming in and his revenue was showing it.

This client needed customers and did not have a lifetime budget or time to test different strategies.

The Strategy  

With a clear path in mind, it becomes easy to focus on producing the results.

The strategy for this client was straightforward: no complex funnels, no cross-targeting, no display campaigns, nothing big!

We focused on Facebook ads and email follow-up which created a simple funnel that would convert visitors into leads and leads into customers.

Here’s a look at our process:

An initial audit and discovery.

Top-of-funnel campaign launch using lead generation.

Used a lead magnet to entice visitors to become leads.

Five-part email sequence to nurture and close leads.

Follow-up emails were paired with Facebook retargeting ads.

Using dynamic email subject lines, we quickly optimized for the best performers.

Optimized the sequences for best variations in the copy.

The Results

Working under pressure sometimes gets the best out of you.

This is exactly what happened in this case.

Our account manager and the team had put in extra time with this client.

They received 130+ leads within the first 2 weeks using Facebook ads alone.

The cost per lead was below $3 and the client was able to convert 47% of the leads into paying customers.

The satisfaction from the client resulted in an agreement extension of 6+ months.

Optimized the sequences for best variations in the copy.

Real Results From Real Roofing Companies

"Working with Jeremy is such a pleasure. He is so knowledgeable, easy to work with, and on top of everything, he creates gorgeous funnels and knows how to ask the right questions. He really helped me with my business, and I'm thrilled with the results."

Amanda Bright


"If it weren't for Jeremy's expertise and guidance, potential clients might have been misguided and unreachable. He pointed out many details on my website that would have prevented me from running my business smoothly. I truly appreciate his service and highly recommend him!"

Ellington A.


"When Jeremy took a look at my website and funnel, he was able to point out areas where I was losing clients just because of technical issues. Once we addressed them, things were moving smoothly. If it wasn't for Jeremy's attention to detail and expertise, I would have missed out on more clients."

Renee C.

Small Business Owner

"I highly recommend Jeremy. He was able to uncover an understanding of my issue in a way I never considered before, and he helped me turn it around. Thank you so much, Jeremy!"

Liza Moorhead

Certified Hypnotherapist

Disclaimer: The information stated on this page includes our team's efforts and existing and previous clients.

Please understand we do not claim these results are typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them, You may do better, worse or the same. Your results will vary depending on factors including, but not limited to, your background, experience, and work ethic. Advertising entails risk and sustained effort and action.

This website is not a part of the Facebook (META) website or Facebook (META) Inc.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COPYRIGHT @ 2023 Agile Contractor Marketing